“I love the beautiful spirit of our Lord, that I see glowing from your face! Thank you, for sharing your powerful story with so much simplicity, sincerity and love. Truly, you are allowing God to work in your life in a positive and dynamic way. What a splendid inspiration you are to all of us!”
Senior Pastor Robert H. Schuller
The Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove, CA
“I have personally known Jillian for several years. I feel privileged to have been a part of the work of the Lord in her life as her pastor, and I feel the same privilege in recommending to you Jillian’s evangelistic ministry in song and testimony today. The ministry that God has called Jillian to is so very needed, and her ministry is anointed. Rarely has the blend of music and testimony stirred the hearts of many, many people as it did when Jillian was with us recently. Hundreds responded to the invitation, many audibly weeping, during a ladies event at our church. Then, in the Sunday morning service the next day, the altars were full again as many found Christ, learned about forgiveness, and asked God to lift their burdens. Jillian’s ministry of music is powerful. We have her minister here at Phoenix First Assembly from time to time when she’s not out ministering, and the Lord blesses mightily whenever she gives God glory with the spectacular voice He’s given Jillian. Jillian’s recording have moved people all over our nation. Everyone who has heard Jillian attest to this, but as great as her talent is, equally important is her spirit that inspires young and old alike while expressing the brokenness the Lord worked through her life. Jillian is a good communicator of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, yet God has given her a rare compassion for people combined with an authority to share God’s goodness and mercy that makes me excited to see how she will be used in the coming days. If you would like someone to come speak, sing, and stir your people, I gladly recommend the ministry of Jillian, and suggest that you consider her to bless your congregation.”
Pastor Tommy Barnett
Phoenix First Assembly
“From an abandoned, heartbroken girl, God orchestrated a loving adoption. From a frightened teen trapped in a world of insecurity, God graced a princess, full of beauty, poise and charm. It is with this newfound strength, that Jillian now shares her story of a God who dreams big dreams for His children.”
Susie Shellenberger, Editor, Brio Magazine,
Focus on the Family
“Jillian has not only an exceptional voice, but a powerful message that will touch the hearts of all who hear her. Her warmth, humor and vulnerability communicate the awesome power of our Lord Jesus Christ. She is a wonderful blessing to all who hear her!”
Dr. O.S. Hawkins
Senior Pastor
First Baptist Church
Dallas, TX
“Our flock was delighted and greatly encouraged by her time with us. She not only brings an energy of song, but also a testimony of God’s powerful healing work in the nitty-gritty reality of our dysfunctional and addictive society. I recommend her without reservation, for she has a specific and unique word that needs to be heard in so many churches today – that God cares deeply and can take the broken pieces of our lives and do something of great beauty in the midst of what we would call ashes.”
Dr. Ted Roberts
East Hill Foursquare Church, Gresham, OR
Jillian’s testimony rings out loud and clear as to the healing power God can bring to a broken heart. The life of Jesus Christ radiates from her as she sings praises to her Savior and King. You will be greatly encouraged in your faith.”
Senior Pastor Darryl Delhousaye
Scottsdale Bible Church
Scottsdale, AZ
“The ministry you have is probably one of the most needed in America today. Hurting people are everywhere, trying to cover their hurts, put a smile on their face and go forward in faith. Your ministry on forgiveness was perfect as a release for the captive hearts of those who have been bound by their own denial of the truth. You taught them to forgive, let Jesus heal and go on to wholeness. ”
Pastor Don Lyon
Faith Center, Rockford, IL.
“I sat in a room and watched over 100 orphans who were spellbound with Jillian’s testimony. Her voice, her style, and her message combine for a truly remarkable experience. She’ll touch your life.”
David T. Clydesdale
“When I first met Jillian… I had no idea of the pain her beauty hid… She had worked to dis guise her childhood insecurities and fears. As I read about God’s healing power in her life, I feel honored to have been a part of that process. I know that the lives of many women will be touched through Jillian’s transparency.”
Florence Littauer
“Jillian is a refreshing voice on the scene of contemporary Gospel music. She is not an entertainer, but truly a Psalmist who is extremely gifted. We were blessed by this young lady’s ministry as many lives were touched and changed through the anointing that is upon her life.”
Pastor Dick Bernal
Jubilee Christian Center, San Jose, CA
“Jillian is blessed of God, in that she has the personality to convey to listeners the love of God. I highly recommend her.”